The Ginny Chronicles

A bottle of thought bubbles

Cheeseburger cupcakes

on October 10, 2012

Vanilla cupcake bun, brownie burger paddy, caramel cheese, and frosting ketchup/ mustard? I think yes.

Here they are pre- ketchup/ mustard frosting

Carmel-Apple carmel melting on hot brownie burgers

I made two sizes mini and regular


I brought these to a get together last Sunday and they went over swell! I seriously recommend adding the sesame seeds on top, they add an extra detail that really makes the difference.

Recipies can be found:

Cupcakes:        I baked them with a buttered tray instead of liners to smooth the sides, sprinkled sesame seeds on top and than cut them in half to make the bun

Brownies: I just used Neslie’s double chocolate chip brownie recipe without the extra chocolate chips cut into patties with a cookie cutter

Carmel: Carmel-apple carmel sheets cut into squares for cheese

Frosting: Basically two parts powdered sugar to one part butter with a splash of vanilla and a pinch of salt. Half died red half died yellow


One response to “Cheeseburger cupcakes

  1. tmvikholt says:

    Oh my god, these are adorable :)

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